Pakistani singer Aima Baig alerts fans of fake Snapchat account

SuchTV  |  Jul 12, 2024

A screenshot of the fake account was shared by Baig on her official Instagram account, where she expressed shock that anyone might mistake the unverified account for her own.

Baig acknowledged that she does not have an account on Snapchat and said in her Instagram story that she thinks it is an improper app. Her followers were reassured by her that she has no intention of opening a Snapchat account in the future.

Baig expressed shock that people would put their trust in unverified accounts enough to make purchases with them. She warned her followers not to fall for the fake Snapchat account and to keep in mind her Instagram stories.

The singer made note of instances of fraud involving fake accounts, but she did not elaborate on the specifics of those cases.

The alert from Aima Baig serves as a reminder to her fans to exercise caution and confirm the authenticity of social media profiles to prevent falling for scammers.



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