SAPM Malik emphasizes importance of Pakistan’s large, diverse workforce for economic growth

The Nation  |  May 02, 2023

ISLAMABAD    -    Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) Jawad Sohr­ab Malik on Monday high­lighted the significance of Pakistan’s top 10 largest la­bor force in the world and as­serted that the country’s eco­nomic future was contingent upon its employment rate.

On International Labor Day, he paid tributes to the tire­less determination and hard work of countless workers, acknowledging their critical contribution to Pakistan’s eco­nomic progress. The SAPM’s message serves as a reminder of the importance of honor­ing and supporting the hard-working individuals who pow­er Pakistan’s economy. Jawad Sohrab Malik emphasized the need for social and economic fairness for workers in the past and stressed the impor­tance of providing transpar­ent access to essential benefits such as healthcare, education, and other social benefits. The SAPM believed that labor was an essential means of ex­pressing human dignity and creative excellence, and thus called for dignified and de­cent work opportunities to be made available to workers.

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He suggested that provid­ing such opportunities was the best way to pay tributes to the substantial contribu­tion that workers made to­wards uplifting the country’s economy in the past. The SAPM emphasizes the need for social and economic fair­ness for workers, which en­tailed providing transparent access to essential benefits such as healthcare, educa­tion, and other social benefits. He suggested that providing such opportunities was the best way to pay tributes to the substantial contribution that workers make towards uplift­ing the country’s economy. Jawad Sohrab Malik stressed upon the need to reform em­ployment and labor policies in the past. He believed that the skills development of the labor force could play a piv­otal role in the alleviation of poverty if carefully planned and implemented in the con­text of available and emerging employment and income-gen­eration opportunities.

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