Singer Sanam Marvi reveals third marriage

SuchTV  |  Sep 07, 2024

Marvi disclosed during an appearance on a private TV channel, where she spoke candidly about her life, including the end of her second marriage.

In the interview, Sanam Marvi confirmed that her family arranged her third marriage, but she refrained from sharing the exact timeline of the union. She mentioned that her new husband, whom she identified as Khabib, is a kind-hearted person, but opted not to provide further details.

Reflecting on her previous marriage, Marvi acknowledged that it ended in divorce. She took responsibility for the breakup, explaining that she no longer wished to continue living with her second husband, Hamid Khan.

She also revealed that she endured domestic violence during her second marriage and ultimately decided that divorce was the best option.

"Despite my efforts to make the marriage work, I faced violence and couldn’t tolerate his relationships with other women. Once I gained independence and success, I couldn’t continue," said Marvi.

The singer shared that her second husband was her aunt's son, who helped her move from the village to Lahore to pursue a career in singing. However, their relationship deteriorated over time due to his infidelity, which Marvi initially endured out of necessity.

Marvi, who has three sons from her second marriage, revealed that her children reside with their father in Lahore. She added that the custody case for her children had been ongoing in court, but she chose to withdraw from it for the sake of her children’s well-being. Her daughter, however, lives with her.

This is Marvi’s third marriage after her first husband, Aftab Ahmed, was tragically murdered in Karachi in 2009.

At the time, Marvi was pregnant with their first child. She was just 18 when she married Aftab Ahmed. Following his death, she married Hamid Khan, with whom she had three sons.

Although Sanam Marvi did not reveal how long she has been married to her third husband, she affirmed that she is now living a happier and more peaceful life.

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