ANP's Ghulam Ahmad Bilour quits politics

SuchTV  |  Aug 29, 2024

Bilour has served as a member of the National Assembly from Peshawar five times, including a notable victory over Benazir Bhutto in the 1990s, shared his reasons in a recent conversation with our correspondent, Sajjad Haider.

Reflecting on his political journey, Bilor expressed his gratitude to the people of Peshawar for electing him five times. "I have never lost an election; I have been defeated by forces that do not meet the standards and cannot be fought against," he said.

Ghulam Ahmed, who secured a 13,000-vote lead over Benazir Bhutto in one of his electoral victories, stated that his decision to step back from election politics is influenced by the personal losses he has endured, including the martyrdom of his son, brother, and nephew, and surviving a terrorist attack himself.

Despite his departure from electoral politics, he emphasized that public service does not require a seat in parliament. "Public service can be done without elections," he asserted, highlighting his contributions, such as the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment, which granted greater autonomy to the provinces.

Criticizing political opponents, Bilor questioned the motives behind the sale of university land and commented on the ineffectiveness of certain leaders, stating, "Their leader has been in jail for a year, what has he done apart from giving a statement?"

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