UN awards 2 Pakistani female peacekeepers for gender advocacy

SuchTV  |  Sep 20, 2024

In a statement issued on Thursday, the ISPR said the awards were presented to Major Sania Safdar, part of the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Cyprus, and Major Komal Masood, who served in the Central African Republic, “for their outstanding performance and commitment in promoting the ideals of UN”.

The accolades were presented by the under-secretary general in the UN’s Department for Peace Operations at its New York headquarters.

“While serving in [an] international environment, both officers demonstrated exceptional professionalism [and] dedication,” the ISPR noted.

It added that the two peacekeepers “made [a] significant contribution to Mission’s Peace and Stability efforts, especially with regards to advancing women’s meaningful participation in Peacekeeping Operations within the mission”.

“Their profound roles in peacekeeping have been acknowledged by respective Mission force commanders,” the military’s media wing highlighted.

It further said that the recognition was a testament to “Pakistan’s unwavering commitment to UN Peacekeeping mandate, professionalism and diligent efforts by Pakistani peacekeepers to make a positive impact in peacekeeping efforts”.

The ISPR reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to playing a “pivotal role as a responsible member of the international community to help realise the ideals of global peace and security through active support in UN Peacekeeping Missions”.

In August, Major Safdar — serving in Cyprus back then — had become the first peacekeeper to rec­e­ive the 2023 ‘Certificate of Recognition’ for advocating gender equality.

Pakistan has been one of the longest-serving and largest contributors to UN Peacekeeping for decades. Since joining the UN on Sept 30, 1947, Pakistan has participated in 70 UN peacekeeping missions across the globe, according to a 2022 report.

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