Mir Taqi Mir Urdu Poetry Shayari

Mir Taqi Mir Urdu Poetry Shayari - If you have ever felt that no one is understanding your emotions and deepest feelings, has you heart ever felt tangled in pain and love ? If yes, then meet Mir Taqi Mir, the OG poet of feels. Mir was a maestro of capturing the messy reality of human emotion and trust in its most raw form. The inspiration for his worked stemmed from his financial struggles, loss of loved ones and political instability. Instead of letting such struggles break his core, he channeled the energy from these losses into artful poetry, put forth in a beautiful and elegant manner which resonated perfectly with all the people. Unlike romantic poets of his day, Mir taqi mir wasnt writing love poems laced with metaphors and rhymes. Instead his signature style was ghazal which revolved around love, loss, search for meaning and peace ina chaotic world as well as everyday battles men have to face. Some of his most famous works include Deewane Mir which is a treasured collection of ghazals exploring the full, unhinged range of human emotions. Agony, happiness, betrayal and love are just some of the emotions you’ll explore with this work of art.

پتا پتا بوٹا بوٹا حال ہمارا جانے ہے
پتا پتا بوٹا بوٹا حال ہمارا جانے ہے
جانے نہ جانے گل ہی نہ جانے باغ تو سارا جانے ہے
راہ دور عشق میں روتا ہے کیا
راہ دور عشق میں روتا ہے کیا
آگے آگے دیکھیے ہوتا ہے کیا
یاد اس کی اتنی خوب نہیں میرؔ باز آ
یاد اس کی اتنی خوب نہیں میرؔ باز آ
نادان پھر وہ جی سے بھلایا نہ جائے گا
آگ تھے ابتدائے عشق میں ہم
آگ تھے ابتدائے عشق میں ہم
اب جو ہیں خاک انتہا ہے یہ