Elon Musk plans Tesla, Twitter collaborations with xAI

Radio Pakistan  |  Jul 16, 2023

CEO of Tesla and owner of Twitter Elon Musk has announced plans for his new artificial intelligence startup, xAI, to collaborate with both companies.

The collaboration aims to accelerate Tesla's work in self-driving capabilities and advance AI software development.

During a live audio session on Twitter Spaces, Musk revealed that xAI will use public tweets from Twitter to train its AI models and develop "maximally curious" AI systems and products.

Musk highlighted the mutual benefits of a relationship between his companies.

He highlighted the potential for Tesla to leverage xAI's advancements in AI technology.

The primary goals of xAI are to deepen the understanding of the universe and offer an alternative to major players such as Microsoft, Google, and OpenAI in achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) – AI that can solve problems like a human.

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