In a significant development, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari recently undertook a momentous visit to the renowned shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani. During his visit, a remarkable event took place as a brand new gallery of the shrine was inaugurated exclusively for Mr. Zardari.
As a gesture of deep reverence and spiritual connection, the Chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party participated in prayers and humbly draped a chadar (shawl) at the sacred shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani. This act symbolized his profound respect and devotion to the revered spiritual figure.
Warmly welcoming Bilawal Bhutto Zardari at the entrance, Sheikh Khalid Abdul Qadir Al-Mansour Gilani, the esteemed caretaker of the shrine, graciously received the distinguished visitor. With gracious hospitality, he guided the Foreign Minister throughout the various sections of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani’s shrine, offering insightful details and historical context.
This significant visit serves as a testament to the deep spiritual ties between Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and the revered shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani. The newly unveiled gallery reflects the government’s commitment to preserving the rich heritage of the shrine, enabling visitors to experience its timeless beauty and historical significance firsthand.
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