Hate speech remains significant threat to global peace, security: UN

Radio Pakistan  |  Jun 16, 2024

United Nations has warned that hate speech remains a significant threat to global peace and security, often targeting society’s most vulnerable.

In a statement, the UN’s top genocide prevention official and Special Adviser of the Secretary on the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Nderitu, emphasized that in addition to violence, hate speech also reinforces discrimination, stigma, dehumanization and marginalization.

Although she did not specific areas where the threat existed, the UN’s International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to prevent death, destruction and any acts of genocide in Gaza.

Meanwhile, Genocide Watch, an international watchdog group, has warned that the Hindu nationalist policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi have worsened anti-Muslim violence and caste oppression in India.  

It said the situations in Jammu and Kashmir and Assam, with cow protection laws used as pretexts for lynching, as also anti-Muslim citizenship laws.

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