Overeating during Eid Holidays lands 18,000 people in Punjab hospitals

Hamariweb  |  Jul 03, 2023

Public and private hospitals in Punjab and Lahore faced a state of emergency during the Eid holidays, as around 18,000 people admitted with gastrointestinal problems. The main cause of these problems was overeating and ignoring precautionary measures while consuming meat and other foods during the religious festival of Eid-ul-Azha.

The Punjab Health Department had warned the hospital administrations in advance, and they had made extra arrangements to deal with the arrival of patients. However, the emergency wards still overcrowded with people suffering from stomach pain and related ailments.

Eid-ul-Azha, also known as the festival of sacrifice, is one of the most important religious occasions for Muslims. It involves slaughtering animals and distributing their meat among relatives, friends, and the poor. However, many people tend to overindulge in eating meat and other foods during the three-day festival, which can lead to digestive issues and other health complications.

According to the Punjab Health Department, around 18,000 patients sought emergency treatment for gastrointestinal issues across public hospitals in Punjab during the Eid holidays. In Lahore alone, 2,000 patients admitted to the emergency wards of six major hospitals during the first two days of Eid, including a significant number of children.

The department said that most of the patients had symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever. Some of them also had dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. The department said that most of these problems could have avoided by following some simple guidelines, such as eating moderately, drinking plenty of water, washing hands before eating, avoiding unhygienic food, and using lemon and yogurt along with meat.

The department also advised people with pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and kidney disease, to avoid overeating and consult their doctors before consuming meat. It also urged people to donate their excess meat to the needy instead of wasting it or storing it for long periods.

The department also appreciated the efforts of the hospital staff and doctors who worked tirelessly to provide medical care to the patients. It also thanked the pharmacies and medical stores in the city for supplying medicine for the patients.

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