Hania Aamir marks 8 years in showbiz with heartfelt Instagram throwback

SuchTV  |  Sep 14, 2024

The actress, who debuted in the 2016 Pakistani film Janaan, took to Instagram to share her joy and gratitude.

In her post, Hania shared a nostalgic clip from Janaan featuring her alongside Usman Mukhtar. She expressed how far she has come, stating, “This girl did not know she would come this far. It makes my heart so happy to know that I have met some amazing people, made some great memories, discovered more about myself, and have found the best community on the internet.” She also thanked her fans for their unwavering support throughout her career, adding, “We’ve seen a little too much together. And here we are. Living it up. I love you all. Thank you for having my back.”


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